Only a few more of my crash course in Hungarian-teaching-culture-life-classes before I'm sent off to the wolves (perhaps literally). It's going to be very exciting to finally see my town, my school, my apartment, and all the other hangouts where I'll spend the next year of my life. I think it'll be very interesting to see the contrast of Budapest life to Békéscsaba life.
Today I want to run a few errands, and we have a dinner tonight that all the new teachers are going to. I can't remember the name of the restaurant, but it's supposed to be one of the best in Budapest. It should be exciting, tasty, and another glimpse into Hungarian culture.
By the way, I have yet to see any Greyhounds. I mostly see stocky, medium sized dogs with big ears and wild looks in their eyes.
Alex,even tho you've seen no greyhounds, i know for a fact your own greyhounds miss you : ) Look forward to reading about your experiences in Hungary! The cleaning lady : ) (Paje)